Return & Exchange

RobinhoodTradeBD Return & Exchange Policy

Thank you for choosing RobinhoodTradeBD. Please read our terms carefully before proceeding with the following Return & Exchange policy.

1. Return Policy

  - If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can request a return within 15 days of receiving the product. The item must be in its original condition, unused, undamaged, and with original packaging and tags.

  - Please contact our customer service team for return authorization and detailed return procedures. Information regarding return labels and refund processing will be provided.

2. Exchange Policy

  - If you receive a defective item or one that doesn't match your order, please contact our customer service team within 15 days of receiving the product. We will assist you with the exchange and provide detailed exchange procedures.

3. Return and Exchange Guidelines

  - Ensure you contact our customer service team before returning any items. When returning products, pack them securely in the original packaging and include relevant tags.

  - Once the return process is complete, we will arrange a refund or ship the exchanged item, depending on your preference.

4. Free Returns

  - If you receive a defective item, we offer free return service. Contact our customer service team within 15 days to obtain authorization for the free return.

Please note that the information provided may be subject to adjustments based on our policies and terms of service. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact our customer service. Thank you for choosing RobinhoodTradeBD, and we wish you a pleasant shopping experience!